Ellie (Eleanor) Bailey

Ellie (Eleanor) Bailey is a registered and accredited Dramatherapist, having graduated with a Masters of Arts in Drama and Movement Therapy (Sesame) from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). In 2021 also achieved her level 1 certificate in IFS (Internal Family Systems).

Since qualifying as a registered Dramatherapist Ellie has been working with bereaved children who attend Grief Encounter Southwest, offering therapeutic services. Ellie has recently relocated her practice from Bristol, UK to Tipperary, Ireland. She and her colleague Will Pritchard have jointly embarked on a new venture, co-creating, Springhouse Therapy Centre. The centre provides therapeutic mental health and wellbeing services for children, adolescences and adults in the community of Tipperary and its surrounds. In response to the current pandemic Ellie now also offers online therapy. In the future Ellie hopes to offer pet therapy when her puppy ‘Bonnie’ has matured a bit. Bonnie is already meeting some clients post-therapy and loves receiving cuddles and treats.

Ellie (Eleanor) Bailey

Prior to being a therapist, Ellie worked in administration and marketing. She brings this experience forward in her work as a therapist and has since been welcomed onto therapy committees and working groups for her skills in this field. Ellie came by invitation to ReLight through previous supervisor and mentor Rosie Strain. She supports the day-to-day administration of ReLight, Social Media & marketing, finance, facilitation and ad-hoc duties as required.

‘I’ve been very flattered to be invited to this initiative with two very skilled and experienced therapists to learn from and grow with. I’m grateful for the support ReLight strives to offer all those who work in the caring professions. This ethos is truly reflected within the team, as my own growing confidence and voice as a new practitioner feels supported.’

What I’m passionate about

In my professional life I’m passionate about healing through stories and myths, using the creative metaphors and symbolic resonances to unearth meaning and depth in the therapeutic process. I’m also particularly interested in dream work and IFS (Internal Family Systems therapy). I’m currently undertaking level one of my IFS training.

What makes me laugh out loud?

Bonnie makes me laugh a lot!!! Her snores make me laugh, her play, the way she runs, the way she tries to steal slippers… she is a very funny creature!

I enjoy equal shares of solitude and being social. In solitude I will watch Friends on repeat and this never ceases to make me laugh. When social I enjoy being able to sit with friends and family and have silly jokes.

What fascinates me?

I’m fascinated by nature. Since moving to Ireland I finally have a garden again and this summer I’ve been delighting in watching my flowers grow and learning more about meanings and folklore attached to different flowers, plants and trees. I’m fortunate to live beside a huge forest and enjoy taking my puppy Bonnie for her daily walks here. As the weather warms up you’ll also find me wild swimming in the rivers and seas.


Not launched an official Springhouse Therapy centre website yet but here is a link to my website elliebailey.com and the facebook is https://www.facebook.com/springhousetherapycentre/